Go to the documentation of this file.
5818libinput_device_config_scroll_get_default_natural_scroll_enabled(struct libinput_device *device);
6055libinput_device_config_click_get_default_clickfinger_button_map(struct libinput_device *device);
6849libinput_tablet_tool_config_pressure_range_get_default_minimum(struct libinput_tablet_tool *tool);
6871libinput_tablet_tool_config_pressure_range_get_default_maximum(struct libinput_tablet_tool *tool);
struct libinput * libinput_ref(struct libinput *libinput)
Add a reference to the context.
void void libinput_log_set_handler(struct libinput *libinput, libinput_log_handler log_handler)
Set the context's log handler.
Definition libinput.h:3939
struct libinput_event * libinput_get_event(struct libinput *libinput)
Retrieve the next event from libinput's internal event queue.
void libinput_suspend(struct libinput *libinput)
Suspend monitoring for new devices and close existing devices.
struct libinput * libinput_udev_create_context(const struct libinput_interface *interface, void *user_data, struct udev *udev)
Create a new libinput context from udev.
int libinput_udev_assign_seat(struct libinput *libinput, const char *seat_id)
Assign a seat to this libinput context.
enum libinput_log_priority libinput_log_get_priority(const struct libinput *libinput)
Get the context's log priority.
void libinput_log_set_priority(struct libinput *libinput, enum libinput_log_priority priority)
Set the log priority for the libinput context.
int libinput_get_fd(struct libinput *libinput)
libinput keeps a single file descriptor for all events.
void libinput_path_remove_device(struct libinput_device *device)
Remove a device from a libinput context initialized with libinput_path_create_context() or added to s...
void(* libinput_log_handler)(struct libinput *libinput, enum libinput_log_priority priority, const char *format, va_list args) LIBINPUT_ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(3
Log handler type for custom logging.
Definition libinput.h:3918
Log priority for internal logging messages.
Definition libinput.h:180
void libinput_set_user_data(struct libinput *libinput, void *user_data)
Set caller-specific data associated with this context.
Event type for events returned by libinput_get_event().
Definition libinput.h:742
struct libinput_device * libinput_path_add_device(struct libinput *libinput, const char *path)
Add a device to a libinput context initialized with libinput_path_create_context().
enum libinput_event_type libinput_next_event_type(struct libinput *libinput)
Return the type of the next event in the internal queue.
void * libinput_get_user_data(struct libinput *libinput)
Get the caller-specific data associated with this context, if any.
struct libinput * libinput_unref(struct libinput *libinput)
Dereference the libinput context.
struct libinput * libinput_path_create_context(const struct libinput_interface *interface, void *user_data)
Create a new libinput context that requires the caller to manually add or remove devices with libinpu...
A scroll event from a wheel.
Definition libinput.h:814
A status change on a tablet dial with the LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_TABLET_PAD capability.
Definition libinput.h:997
A key pressed on a device with the LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_TABLET_PAD capability.
Definition libinput.h:989
A status change on a tablet ring with the LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_TABLET_PAD capability.
Definition libinput.h:968
A status change on a strip on a device with the LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_TABLET_PAD capability.
Definition libinput.h:976
Signals the end of a set of touchpoints at one device sample time.
Definition libinput.h:853
A scroll event caused by the movement of one or more fingers on a device.
Definition libinput.h:828
Signals that a device has been added to the context.
Definition libinput.h:758
Signals that a tool has come in or out of proximity of a device with the LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_TABLET_T...
Definition libinput.h:901
A scroll event from various sources.
Definition libinput.h:800
Definition libinput.h:769
Signals that a tool has changed a logical button state on a device with the LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_TABLE...
Definition libinput.h:944
A button pressed on a device with the LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_TABLET_PAD capability.
Definition libinput.h:961
Signals that a device has been removed.
Definition libinput.h:764
Signals that a tool has come in contact with the surface of a device with the LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_TAB...
Definition libinput.h:926
This is not a real event type, and is only used to tell the user that no new event is available in th...
Definition libinput.h:748
A scroll event from a continuous scroll source, e.g.
Definition libinput.h:843
One or more axes have changed state on a device with the LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_TABLET_TOOL capability.
Definition libinput.h:874
enum libinput_config_status libinput_tablet_tool_config_pressure_range_set(struct libinput_tablet_tool *tool, double minimum, double maximum)
Set the pressure range for this tablet tool.
enum libinput_config_drag_lock_state libinput_device_config_tap_get_drag_lock_enabled(struct libinput_device *device)
Check if drag-lock during tapping is enabled on this device.
enum libinput_config_status libinput_device_config_calibration_set_matrix(struct libinput_device *device, const float matrix[6])
Apply the 3x3 transformation matrix to absolute device coordinates.
int libinput_device_config_dwt_is_available(struct libinput_device *device)
Check if this device supports configurable disable-while-typing feature.
enum libinput_config_status libinput_device_config_rotation_set_angle(struct libinput_device *device, unsigned int degrees_cw)
Set the rotation of a device in degrees clockwise off the logical neutral position.
int libinput_device_config_tap_get_finger_count(struct libinput_device *device)
Check if the device supports tap-to-click and how many fingers can be used for tapping.
enum libinput_config_clickfinger_button_map libinput_device_config_click_get_default_clickfinger_button_map(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the default finger number to button number mapping for clickfinger.
int libinput_device_config_area_has_rectangle(struct libinput_device *device)
Check if the device can change its logical input area via a rectangle.
Acceleration types are categories of movement by a device that may have specific acceleration functio...
Definition libinput.h:5626
enum libinput_config_drag_state libinput_device_config_tap_get_default_drag_enabled(struct libinput_device *device)
Return whether tap-and-drag is enabled or disabled by default on this device.
enum libinput_config_status libinput_device_config_accel_set_speed(struct libinput_device *device, double speed)
Set the pointer acceleration speed of this pointer device within a range of [-1, 1],...
double libinput_tablet_tool_config_pressure_range_get_default_minimum(struct libinput_tablet_tool *tool)
Get the minimum pressure value for this tablet tool, normalized to the range [0.0,...
enum libinput_config_accel_profile libinput_device_config_accel_get_default_profile(struct libinput_device *device)
Return the default pointer acceleration profile for this pointer device.
enum libinput_config_status libinput_device_config_accel_apply(struct libinput_device *device, struct libinput_config_accel *accel_config)
Apply this pointer acceleration configuration to the device.
int libinput_device_config_rotation_is_available(struct libinput_device *device)
Check whether a device can have a custom rotation applied.
uint32_t libinput_device_config_click_get_methods(struct libinput_device *device)
Check which button click methods a device supports.
enum libinput_config_status libinput_device_config_dwtp_set_enabled(struct libinput_device *device, enum libinput_config_dwtp_state enable)
Enable or disable the disable-while-trackpointing feature.
Status codes returned when applying configuration settings.
Definition libinput.h:4646
struct libinput_config_area_rectangle libinput_device_config_area_get_rectangle(struct libinput_device *device)
Return the current area rectangle for this device.
enum libinput_config_status libinput_device_config_scroll_set_button_lock(struct libinput_device *device, enum libinput_config_scroll_button_lock_state state)
Set the scroll button lock.
enum libinput_config_status libinput_device_config_tap_set_enabled(struct libinput_device *device, enum libinput_config_tap_state enable)
Enable or disable tap-to-click on this device, with a default mapping of 1, 2, 3 finger tap mapping t...
int libinput_device_config_calibration_get_default_matrix(struct libinput_device *device, float matrix[6])
Return the default calibration matrix for this device.
The click method defines when to generate software-emulated buttons, usually on a device that does no...
Definition libinput.h:5902
enum libinput_config_status libinput_device_config_area_set_rectangle(struct libinput_device *device, const struct libinput_config_area_rectangle *rect)
Set the given rectangle as the logical input area of this device.
Definition libinput.h:6060
enum libinput_config_middle_emulation_state libinput_device_config_middle_emulation_get_enabled(struct libinput_device *device)
Check if configurable middle button emulation is enabled on this device.
enum libinput_config_status libinput_device_config_scroll_set_method(struct libinput_device *device, enum libinput_config_scroll_method method)
Set the scroll method for this device.
enum libinput_config_dwt_state libinput_device_config_dwt_get_default_enabled(struct libinput_device *device)
Check if the disable-while typing feature is enabled on this device by default.
enum libinput_config_scroll_method libinput_device_config_scroll_get_method(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the scroll method for this device.
enum libinput_config_tap_button_map libinput_device_config_tap_get_button_map(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the finger number to button number mapping for tap-to-click.
enum libinput_config_tap_button_map libinput_device_config_tap_get_default_button_map(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the default finger number to button number mapping for tap-to-click.
The send-event mode of a device defines when a device may generate events and pass those events to th...
Definition libinput.h:5282
int libinput_device_config_dwtp_is_available(struct libinput_device *device)
Check if this device supports configurable disable-while-trackpointing feature.
enum libinput_config_click_method libinput_device_config_click_get_default_method(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the default button click method for this device.
enum libinput_config_status libinput_device_config_middle_emulation_set_enabled(struct libinput_device *device, enum libinput_config_middle_emulation_state enable)
Enable or disable middle button emulation on this device.
enum libinput_config_scroll_button_lock_state libinput_device_config_scroll_get_default_button_lock(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the default scroll button lock state.
enum libinput_config_status libinput_device_config_dwt_set_enabled(struct libinput_device *device, enum libinput_config_dwt_state enable)
Enable or disable the disable-while-typing feature.
enum libinput_config_middle_emulation_state libinput_device_config_middle_emulation_get_default_enabled(struct libinput_device *device)
Check if configurable middle button emulation is enabled by default on this device.
The scroll method of a device selects when to generate scroll axis events instead of pointer motion e...
Definition libinput.h:6185
enum libinput_config_click_method libinput_device_config_click_get_method(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the button click method for this device.
double libinput_device_config_accel_get_default_speed(struct libinput_device *device)
Return the default speed setting for this device, normalized to a range of [-1, 1].
int libinput_device_config_left_handed_is_available(struct libinput_device *device)
Check if a device has a configuration that supports left-handed usage.
int libinput_device_config_accel_is_available(struct libinput_device *device)
Check if a device uses libinput-internal pointer-acceleration.
double libinput_tablet_tool_config_pressure_range_get_maximum(struct libinput_tablet_tool *tool)
Get the maximum pressure value for this tablet tool, normalized to the range [0.0,...
enum libinput_config_accel_profile libinput_device_config_accel_get_profile(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the current pointer acceleration profile for this pointer device.
unsigned int libinput_device_config_rotation_get_default_angle(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the default rotation of a device in degrees clockwise off the logical neutral position.
int libinput_device_config_scroll_has_natural_scroll(struct libinput_device *device)
Return non-zero if the device supports "natural scrolling".
uint32_t libinput_device_config_scroll_get_button(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the button for the LIBINPUT_CONFIG_SCROLL_ON_BUTTON_DOWN method for this device.
enum libinput_config_scroll_method libinput_device_config_scroll_get_default_method(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the default scroll method for this device.
enum libinput_config_status libinput_device_config_tap_set_drag_lock_enabled(struct libinput_device *device, enum libinput_config_drag_lock_state enable)
Enable or disable drag-lock during tapping on this device.
double libinput_tablet_tool_config_pressure_range_get_minimum(struct libinput_tablet_tool *tool)
Get the minimum pressure value for this tablet tool, normalized to the range [0.0,...
enum libinput_config_tap_state libinput_device_config_tap_get_enabled(struct libinput_device *device)
Check if tap-to-click is enabled on this device.
enum libinput_config_status libinput_device_config_scroll_set_natural_scroll_enabled(struct libinput_device *device, int enable)
Enable or disable natural scrolling on the device.
const char * libinput_config_status_to_str(enum libinput_config_status status)
Return a string describing the error.
int libinput_device_config_left_handed_get(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the current left-handed configuration of the device.
enum libinput_config_status libinput_device_config_left_handed_set(struct libinput_device *device, int left_handed)
Set the left-handed configuration of the device.
enum libinput_config_clickfinger_button_map libinput_device_config_click_get_clickfinger_button_map(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the finger number to button number mapping for clickfinger.
uint32_t libinput_device_config_send_events_get_modes(struct libinput_device *device)
Return the possible send-event modes for this device.
int libinput_device_config_calibration_get_matrix(struct libinput_device *device, float matrix[6])
Return the current calibration matrix for this device.
int libinput_device_config_left_handed_get_default(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the default left-handed configuration of the device.
void libinput_config_accel_destroy(struct libinput_config_accel *accel_config)
Destroy an acceleration configuration.
int libinput_tablet_tool_config_pressure_range_is_available(struct libinput_tablet_tool *tool)
Check if a tablet tool can have a custom pressure range.
enum libinput_config_status libinput_config_accel_set_points(struct libinput_config_accel *accel_config, enum libinput_config_accel_type accel_type, double step, size_t npoints, double *points)
Defines the acceleration function for a given movement type in an acceleration configuration with the...
enum libinput_config_drag_lock_state libinput_device_config_tap_get_default_drag_lock_enabled(struct libinput_device *device)
Check if drag-lock during tapping is enabled by default on this device.
int libinput_device_config_scroll_get_default_natural_scroll_enabled(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the default mode for scrolling on this device.
double libinput_device_config_accel_get_speed(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the current pointer acceleration setting for this pointer device.
enum libinput_config_status libinput_device_config_send_events_set_mode(struct libinput_device *device, uint32_t mode)
Set the send-event mode for this device.
int libinput_device_config_scroll_get_natural_scroll_enabled(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the current mode for scrolling on this device.
enum libinput_config_drag_state libinput_device_config_tap_get_drag_enabled(struct libinput_device *device)
Return whether tap-and-drag is enabled or disabled on this device.
Definition libinput.h:4768
struct libinput_config_area_rectangle libinput_device_config_area_get_default_rectangle(struct libinput_device *device)
Return the default area rectangle for this device.
enum libinput_config_status libinput_device_config_click_set_clickfinger_button_map(struct libinput_device *device, enum libinput_config_clickfinger_button_map map)
Set the finger number to button number mapping for clickfinger.
uint32_t libinput_device_config_accel_get_profiles(struct libinput_device *device)
Returns a bitmask of the configurable acceleration modes available on this device.
enum libinput_config_status libinput_device_config_accel_set_profile(struct libinput_device *device, enum libinput_config_accel_profile profile)
Set the pointer acceleration profile of this pointer device to the given mode.
enum libinput_config_status libinput_device_config_scroll_set_button(struct libinput_device *device, uint32_t button)
Set the button for the LIBINPUT_CONFIG_SCROLL_ON_BUTTON_DOWN method for this device.
uint32_t libinput_device_config_scroll_get_methods(struct libinput_device *device)
Check which scroll methods a device supports.
struct libinput_config_accel * libinput_config_accel_create(enum libinput_config_accel_profile profile)
Create an acceleration configuration of a given profile.
enum libinput_config_status libinput_device_config_tap_set_button_map(struct libinput_device *device, enum libinput_config_tap_button_map map)
Set the finger number to button number mapping for tap-to-click.
Possible states for the disable-while-typing feature.
Definition libinput.h:6463
enum libinput_config_status libinput_device_config_tap_set_drag_enabled(struct libinput_device *device, enum libinput_config_drag_state enable)
Enable or disable tap-and-drag on this device.
uint32_t libinput_device_config_scroll_get_default_button(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the default button for the LIBINPUT_CONFIG_SCROLL_ON_BUTTON_DOWN method for this device.
int libinput_device_config_middle_emulation_is_available(struct libinput_device *device)
Check if middle mouse button emulation configuration is available on this device.
int libinput_device_config_calibration_has_matrix(struct libinput_device *device)
Check if the device can be calibrated via a calibration matrix.
A config status to distinguish or set dragging on a device.
Definition libinput.h:4862
Possible states for the disable-while-trackpointing feature.
Definition libinput.h:6554
enum libinput_config_scroll_button_lock_state libinput_device_config_scroll_get_button_lock(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the current scroll button lock state.
enum libinput_config_status libinput_device_config_click_set_method(struct libinput_device *device, enum libinput_config_click_method method)
Set the button click method for this device.
uint32_t libinput_device_config_send_events_get_mode(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the send-event mode for this device.
enum libinput_config_dwtp_state libinput_device_config_dwtp_get_default_enabled(struct libinput_device *device)
Check if the disable-while trackpointing feature is enabled on this device by default.
uint32_t libinput_device_config_send_events_get_default_mode(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the default send-event mode for this device.
enum libinput_config_dwt_state libinput_device_config_dwt_get_enabled(struct libinput_device *device)
Check if the disable-while typing feature is currently enabled on this device.
unsigned int libinput_device_config_rotation_get_angle(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the current rotation of a device in degrees clockwise off the logical neutral position.
enum libinput_config_tap_state libinput_device_config_tap_get_default_enabled(struct libinput_device *device)
Return the default setting for whether tap-to-click is enabled on this device.
double libinput_tablet_tool_config_pressure_range_get_default_maximum(struct libinput_tablet_tool *tool)
Get the maximum pressure value for this tablet tool, normalized to the range [0.0,...
enum libinput_config_dwtp_state libinput_device_config_dwtp_get_enabled(struct libinput_device *device)
Check if the disable-while trackpointing feature is currently enabled on this device.
The default acceleration type used as a fallback when other acceleration types are not provided.
Definition libinput.h:5631
Acceleration type for scroll movement.
Definition libinput.h:5641
Acceleration type for regular pointer movement.
Definition libinput.h:5636
Configuration not available on this device.
Definition libinput.h:4648
Config applied successfully.
Definition libinput.h:4647
Invalid parameter range.
Definition libinput.h:4650
Do not send software-emulated button events.
Definition libinput.h:5907
Use software-button areas to generate button events.
Definition libinput.h:5911
The number of fingers decides which button press to generate.
Definition libinput.h:5915
Middle mouse button emulation is to be disabled, or is currently disabled.
Definition libinput.h:6065
Middle mouse button emulation is to be enabled, or is currently enabled.
Definition libinput.h:6070
Send events from this device normally.
Definition libinput.h:5288
Do not send events through this device.
Definition libinput.h:5302
If an external pointer device is plugged in, do not send events from this device.
Definition libinput.h:5308
Send scroll events when a finger moves along the bottom or right edge of a device.
Definition libinput.h:6200
Send scroll events when a button is down and the device moves along a scroll-capable axis.
Definition libinput.h:6205
Send scroll events when two fingers are logically down on the device.
Definition libinput.h:6195
Never send scroll events instead of pointer motion events.
Definition libinput.h:6190
1/2/3 finger tap maps to left/right/middle
Definition libinput.h:4760
1/2/3 finger tap maps to left/middle/right
Definition libinput.h:4762
1/2/3 finger click maps to left/middle/right
Definition libinput.h:4772
1/2/3 finger click maps to left/right/middle
Definition libinput.h:4770
Tapping is to be disabled, or is currently disabled.
Definition libinput.h:4669
Tapping is to be enabled, or is currently enabled.
Definition libinput.h:4671
An adaptive acceleration profile.
Definition libinput.h:5503
A custom acceleration profile.
Definition libinput.h:5512
A flat acceleration profile.
Definition libinput.h:5497
Placeholder for devices that don't have a configurable pointer acceleration profile.
Definition libinput.h:5489
Drag is to be enabled, or is currently enabled.
Definition libinput.h:4872
Drag is to be disabled, or is currently disabled.
Definition libinput.h:4867
Drag lock is to be enabled in timeout mode, or is currently enabled in timeout mode.
Definition libinput.h:4942
Definition libinput.h:4944
Drag lock is to be enabled in sticky mode, or is currently enabled in sticky mode.
Definition libinput.h:4947
Drag lock is to be disabled, or is currently disabled.
Definition libinput.h:4939
int libinput_device_tablet_pad_has_key(struct libinput_device *device, uint32_t code)
Check if a LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_TABLET_PAD device has a key with the given code (see linux/input-event...
struct libinput_device * libinput_device_unref(struct libinput_device *device)
Decrease the refcount of the input device.
const char * libinput_device_get_sysname(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the system name of the device.
int libinput_device_tablet_pad_get_num_buttons(struct libinput_device *device)
Return the number of buttons on a device with the LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_TABLET_PAD capability.
void * libinput_device_get_user_data(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the caller-specific data associated with this input device, if any.
Capabilities on a device.
Definition libinput.h:192
int libinput_device_tablet_pad_get_num_dials(struct libinput_device *device)
Return the number of dials a device with the LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_TABLET_PAD capability provides.
Logical state of a physical button.
Definition libinput.h:232
The state of proximity for a tool on a device.
Definition libinput.h:378
void * libinput_device_group_get_user_data(struct libinput_device_group *group)
Get the caller-specific data associated with this input device group, if any.
void libinput_device_set_user_data(struct libinput_device *device, void *user_data)
Set caller-specific data associated with this input device.
int libinput_device_tablet_pad_get_num_rings(struct libinput_device *device)
Return the number of rings a device with the LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_TABLET_PAD capability provides.
struct libinput_device_group * libinput_device_group_unref(struct libinput_device_group *group)
Decrease the refcount of the device group.
The source for a libinput_pointer_axis event.
Definition libinput.h:266
struct libinput_device_group * libinput_device_get_device_group(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the device group this device is assigned to.
int libinput_device_keyboard_has_key(struct libinput_device *device, uint32_t code)
Check if a LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_KEYBOARD device has a key with the given code (see linux/input-event-c...
Axes on a device with the capability LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_POINTER that are not x or y coordinates.
Definition libinput.h:249
Available tool types for a device with the LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_TABLET_TOOL capability.
Definition libinput.h:348
int libinput_device_set_seat_logical_name(struct libinput_device *device, const char *name)
Change the logical seat associated with this device by removing the device and adding it to the new s...
int libinput_device_tablet_pad_get_num_strips(struct libinput_device *device)
Return the number of strips a device with the LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_TABLET_PAD capability provides.
struct libinput * libinput_device_get_context(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the libinput context from the device.
int libinput_device_has_capability(struct libinput_device *device, enum libinput_device_capability capability)
Check if the given device has the specified capability.
int libinput_device_pointer_has_button(struct libinput_device *device, uint32_t code)
Check if a LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_POINTER device has a button with the given code (see linux/input-event...
struct libinput_device_group * libinput_device_group_ref(struct libinput_device_group *group)
Increase the refcount of the device group.
const char * libinput_device_get_output_name(struct libinput_device *device)
A device may be mapped to a single output, or all available outputs.
int libinput_device_get_size(struct libinput_device *device, double *width, double *height)
Get the physical size of a device in mm, where meaningful.
The tip contact state for a tool on a device.
Definition libinput.h:394
struct udev_device * libinput_device_get_udev_device(struct libinput_device *device)
Return a udev handle to the device that is this libinput device, if any.
int libinput_device_switch_has_switch(struct libinput_device *device, enum libinput_switch sw)
Check if a LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_SWITCH device has a switch of the given type.
unsigned int libinput_device_get_id_bustype(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the bus type ID for this device.
int libinput_device_touch_get_touch_count(struct libinput_device *device)
Check how many touches a LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_TOUCH device supports simultaneously.
unsigned int libinput_device_get_id_vendor(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the vendor ID for this device.
unsigned int libinput_device_get_id_product(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the product ID for this device.
struct libinput_device * libinput_device_ref(struct libinput_device *device)
Increase the refcount of the input device.
void libinput_device_group_set_user_data(struct libinput_device_group *group, void *user_data)
Set caller-specific data associated with this device group.
struct libinput_seat * libinput_device_get_seat(struct libinput_device *device)
Get the seat associated with this input device.
const char * libinput_device_get_name(struct libinput_device *device)
The descriptive device name as advertised by the kernel and/or the hardware itself.
void libinput_device_led_update(struct libinput_device *device, enum libinput_led leds)
Update the LEDs on the device, if any.
This switch indicates whether the device is in normal laptop mode or behaves like a tablet-like devic...
Definition libinput.h:724
The laptop lid was closed when the switch state is LIBINPUT_SWITCH_STATE_ON, or was opened when it is...
Definition libinput.h:708
Definition libinput.h:380
Definition libinput.h:379
The event is caused by the motion of some device.
Definition libinput.h:279
The event is caused by the rotation of a wheel.
Definition libinput.h:270
The event is caused by the movement of one or more fingers on a device.
Definition libinput.h:275
The event is caused by the tilting of a mouse wheel rather than its rotation.
Definition libinput.h:289
Definition libinput.h:250
Definition libinput.h:251
A mouse bound to the tablet.
Definition libinput.h:355
An airbrush-like tool.
Definition libinput.h:354
A rotary device with positional and rotation data.
Definition libinput.h:357
A mouse tool with a lens.
Definition libinput.h:356
A paintbrush-like tool.
Definition libinput.h:351
Physical drawing tool, e.g.
Definition libinput.h:352
uint64_t libinput_event_gesture_get_time_usec(struct libinput_event_gesture *event)
double libinput_event_gesture_get_dx(struct libinput_event_gesture *event)
Return the delta between the last event and the current event.
double libinput_event_gesture_get_dy_unaccelerated(struct libinput_event_gesture *event)
Return the relative delta of the unaccelerated motion vector of the current event.
double libinput_event_gesture_get_angle_delta(struct libinput_event_gesture *event)
Return the angle delta in degrees between the last and the current LIBINPUT_EVENT_GESTURE_PINCH_UPDAT...
uint32_t libinput_event_gesture_get_time(struct libinput_event_gesture *event)
int libinput_event_gesture_get_cancelled(struct libinput_event_gesture *event)
Return if the gesture ended normally, or if it was cancelled.
double libinput_event_gesture_get_dx_unaccelerated(struct libinput_event_gesture *event)
Return the relative delta of the unaccelerated motion vector of the current event.
double libinput_event_gesture_get_scale(struct libinput_event_gesture *event)
Return the absolute scale of a pinch gesture, the scale is the division of the current distance betwe...
struct libinput_event * libinput_event_gesture_get_base_event(struct libinput_event_gesture *event)
double libinput_event_gesture_get_dy(struct libinput_event_gesture *event)
Return the delta between the last event and the current event.
int libinput_event_gesture_get_finger_count(struct libinput_event_gesture *event)
Return the number of fingers used for a gesture.
uint32_t libinput_event_keyboard_get_time(struct libinput_event_keyboard *event)
uint64_t libinput_event_keyboard_get_time_usec(struct libinput_event_keyboard *event)
uint32_t libinput_event_keyboard_get_seat_key_count(struct libinput_event_keyboard *event)
For the key of a LIBINPUT_EVENT_KEYBOARD_KEY event, return the total number of keys pressed on all de...
struct libinput_event * libinput_event_keyboard_get_base_event(struct libinput_event_keyboard *event)
uint32_t libinput_event_keyboard_get_key(struct libinput_event_keyboard *event)
enum libinput_key_state libinput_event_keyboard_get_key_state(struct libinput_event_keyboard *event)
uint32_t libinput_event_pointer_get_seat_button_count(struct libinput_event_pointer *event)
For the button of a LIBINPUT_EVENT_POINTER_BUTTON event, return the total number of buttons pressed o...
int libinput_event_pointer_has_axis(struct libinput_event_pointer *event, enum libinput_pointer_axis axis)
Check if the event has a valid value for the given axis.
enum libinput_pointer_axis_source libinput_event_pointer_get_axis_source(struct libinput_event_pointer *event)
Return the source for a given axis event.
double libinput_event_pointer_get_absolute_x_transformed(struct libinput_event_pointer *event, uint32_t width)
Return the current absolute x coordinate of the pointer event, transformed to screen coordinates.
double libinput_event_pointer_get_dx(struct libinput_event_pointer *event)
Return the delta between the last event and the current event.
double libinput_event_pointer_get_dy_unaccelerated(struct libinput_event_pointer *event)
Return the relative delta of the unaccelerated motion vector of the current event.
double libinput_event_pointer_get_scroll_value_v120(struct libinput_event_pointer *event, enum libinput_pointer_axis axis)
For events of type LIBINPUT_EVENT_POINTER_SCROLL_WHEEL the v120-normalized value represents the movem...
double libinput_event_pointer_get_axis_value_discrete(struct libinput_event_pointer *event, enum libinput_pointer_axis axis)
Return the axis value in discrete steps for a given axis event.
double libinput_event_pointer_get_absolute_y(struct libinput_event_pointer *event)
Return the current absolute y coordinate of the pointer event, in mm from the top left corner of the ...
enum libinput_button_state libinput_event_pointer_get_button_state(struct libinput_event_pointer *event)
Return the button state that triggered this event.
double libinput_event_pointer_get_scroll_value(struct libinput_event_pointer *event, enum libinput_pointer_axis axis)
Return the axis value of the given axis.
uint32_t libinput_event_pointer_get_button(struct libinput_event_pointer *event)
Return the button that triggered this event.
double libinput_event_pointer_get_axis_value(struct libinput_event_pointer *event, enum libinput_pointer_axis axis)
Return the axis value of the given axis.
double libinput_event_pointer_get_dy(struct libinput_event_pointer *event)
Return the delta between the last event and the current event.
double libinput_event_pointer_get_absolute_y_transformed(struct libinput_event_pointer *event, uint32_t height)
Return the current absolute y coordinate of the pointer event, transformed to screen coordinates.
double libinput_event_pointer_get_absolute_x(struct libinput_event_pointer *event)
Return the current absolute x coordinate of the pointer event, in mm from the top left corner of the ...
uint32_t libinput_event_pointer_get_time(struct libinput_event_pointer *event)
double libinput_event_pointer_get_dx_unaccelerated(struct libinput_event_pointer *event)
Return the relative delta of the unaccelerated motion vector of the current event.
struct libinput_event * libinput_event_pointer_get_base_event(struct libinput_event_pointer *event)
uint64_t libinput_event_pointer_get_time_usec(struct libinput_event_pointer *event)
enum libinput_switch libinput_event_switch_get_switch(struct libinput_event_switch *event)
Return the switch that triggered this event.
uint64_t libinput_event_switch_get_time_usec(struct libinput_event_switch *event)
uint32_t libinput_event_switch_get_time(struct libinput_event_switch *event)
struct libinput_event * libinput_event_switch_get_base_event(struct libinput_event_switch *event)
enum libinput_switch_state libinput_event_switch_get_switch_state(struct libinput_event_switch *event)
Return the switch state that triggered this event.
Definition libinput.h:317
uint32_t libinput_event_tablet_pad_get_time(struct libinput_event_tablet_pad *event)
struct libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group * libinput_event_tablet_pad_get_mode_group(struct libinput_event_tablet_pad *event)
Returns the mode group that the button, ring, or strip that triggered this event is considered in.
unsigned int libinput_event_tablet_pad_get_strip_number(struct libinput_event_tablet_pad *event)
Returns the number of the strip that has changed state, with 0 being the first strip.
uint32_t libinput_event_tablet_pad_get_key(struct libinput_event_tablet_pad *event)
Return the key code that triggered this event, e.g.
uint32_t libinput_event_tablet_pad_get_button_number(struct libinput_event_tablet_pad *event)
Return the button number that triggered this event, starting at 0.
unsigned int libinput_event_tablet_pad_get_dial_number(struct libinput_event_tablet_pad *event)
Returns the number of the dial that has changed state, with 0 being the first dial.
double libinput_event_tablet_pad_get_dial_delta_v120(struct libinput_event_tablet_pad *event)
Returns the delta change of the dial, in multiples or fractions of 120, with each multiple of 120 ind...
double libinput_event_tablet_pad_get_ring_position(struct libinput_event_tablet_pad *event)
Returns the current position of the ring, in degrees clockwise from the northern-most point of the ri...
unsigned int libinput_event_tablet_pad_get_mode(struct libinput_event_tablet_pad *event)
Returns the mode the button, ring, or strip that triggered this event is in, at the time of the event...
uint64_t libinput_event_tablet_pad_get_time_usec(struct libinput_event_tablet_pad *event)
enum libinput_button_state libinput_event_tablet_pad_get_button_state(struct libinput_event_tablet_pad *event)
Return the button state of the event.
enum libinput_tablet_pad_ring_axis_source libinput_event_tablet_pad_get_ring_source(struct libinput_event_tablet_pad *event)
Returns the source of the interaction with the ring.
enum libinput_tablet_pad_strip_axis_source libinput_event_tablet_pad_get_strip_source(struct libinput_event_tablet_pad *event)
Returns the source of the interaction with the strip.
enum libinput_key_state libinput_event_tablet_pad_get_key_state(struct libinput_event_tablet_pad *event)
Return the key state of the event.
struct libinput_event * libinput_event_tablet_pad_get_base_event(struct libinput_event_tablet_pad *event)
unsigned int libinput_event_tablet_pad_get_ring_number(struct libinput_event_tablet_pad *event)
Returns the number of the ring that has changed state, with 0 being the first ring.
double libinput_event_tablet_pad_get_strip_position(struct libinput_event_tablet_pad *event)
Returns the current position of the strip, normalized to the range [0, 1], with 0 being the top/left-...
The source for a LIBINPUT_EVENT_TABLET_PAD_RING event.
Definition libinput.h:300
Definition libinput.h:318
The event is caused by the movement of one or more fingers on the strip.
Definition libinput.h:323
Definition libinput.h:301
The event is caused by the movement of one or more fingers on the ring.
Definition libinput.h:306
double libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_wheel_delta(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Return the delta for the wheel in degrees.
enum libinput_tablet_tool_proximity_state libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_proximity_state(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Returns the new proximity state of a tool from a proximity event.
enum libinput_button_state libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_button_state(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Return the button state of the event.
int libinput_event_tablet_tool_distance_has_changed(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Check if the distance axis was updated in this event.
struct libinput_tablet_tool * libinput_tablet_tool_ref(struct libinput_tablet_tool *tool)
Increment the reference count of the tool by one.
int libinput_tablet_tool_is_unique(struct libinput_tablet_tool *tool)
Return nonzero if the physical tool can be uniquely identified by libinput, or nonzero otherwise.
double libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_tilt_x(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Returns the current tilt along the X axis of the tablet's current logical orientation,...
double libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_size_minor(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Returns the current size in mm along the minor axis of the touching ellipse.
struct libinput_tablet_tool * libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_tool(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Returns the tool that was in use during this event.
int libinput_event_tablet_tool_y_has_changed(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Check if the y axis was updated in this event.
int libinput_event_tablet_tool_pressure_has_changed(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Check if the pressure axis was updated in this event.
double libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_slider_position(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Returns the current position of the slider on the tool, normalized to the range [-1,...
double libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_x_transformed(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event, uint32_t width)
Return the current absolute x coordinate of the tablet tool event, transformed to screen coordinates.
enum libinput_tablet_tool_tip_state libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_tip_state(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Returns the new tip state of a tool from a tip event.
int libinput_event_tablet_tool_slider_has_changed(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Check if the slider axis was updated in this event.
void * libinput_tablet_tool_get_user_data(struct libinput_tablet_tool *tool)
Return the user data associated with a tool object.
uint64_t libinput_tablet_tool_get_tool_id(struct libinput_tablet_tool *tool)
Return the tool ID for a tool object.
int libinput_event_tablet_tool_x_has_changed(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Check if the x axis was updated in this event.
double libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_tilt_y(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Returns the current tilt along the Y axis of the tablet's current logical orientation,...
double libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_y_transformed(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event, uint32_t height)
Return the current absolute y coordinate of the tablet tool event, transformed to screen coordinates.
int libinput_tablet_tool_has_distance(struct libinput_tablet_tool *tool)
Return whether the tablet tool supports distance.
double libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_size_major(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Returns the current size in mm along the major axis of the touching ellipse.
double libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_dy(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Return the delta between the last event and the current event.
uint64_t libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_time_usec(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
double libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_dx(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Return the delta between the last event and the current event.
enum libinput_tablet_tool_type libinput_tablet_tool_get_type(struct libinput_tablet_tool *tool)
Return the high-level tool type for a tool object.
int libinput_event_tablet_tool_size_minor_has_changed(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Check if the size minor axis was updated in this event.
struct libinput_event * libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_base_event(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
uint32_t libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_seat_button_count(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
For the button of a LIBINPUT_EVENT_TABLET_TOOL_BUTTON event, return the total number of buttons press...
struct libinput_tablet_tool * libinput_tablet_tool_unref(struct libinput_tablet_tool *tool)
Decrement the reference count of the tool by one.
int libinput_event_tablet_tool_tilt_y_has_changed(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Check if the tilt y axis was updated in this event.
int libinput_tablet_tool_has_pressure(struct libinput_tablet_tool *tool)
Return whether the tablet tool supports pressure.
int libinput_event_tablet_tool_tilt_x_has_changed(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Check if the tilt x axis was updated in this event.
int libinput_tablet_tool_has_rotation(struct libinput_tablet_tool *tool)
Return whether the tablet tool supports z-rotation.
int libinput_event_tablet_tool_size_major_has_changed(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Check if the size major axis was updated in this event.
double libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_distance(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Returns the current distance from the tablet's sensor, normalized to the range [0,...
int libinput_tablet_tool_has_size(struct libinput_tablet_tool *tool)
Return whether the tablet tool has a ellipsis major and minor.
double libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_y(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Returns the Y coordinate of the tablet tool, in mm from the top left corner of the tablet in its curr...
uint32_t libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_time(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
double libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_x(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Returns the X coordinate of the tablet tool, in mm from the top left corner of the tablet in its curr...
int libinput_event_tablet_tool_wheel_has_changed(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Check if the wheel axis was updated in this event.
int libinput_tablet_tool_has_tilt(struct libinput_tablet_tool *tool)
Return whether the tablet tool supports tilt.
int libinput_tablet_tool_has_button(struct libinput_tablet_tool *tool, uint32_t code)
Check if a tablet tool has a button with the passed-in code (see linux/input.h).
uint64_t libinput_tablet_tool_get_serial(struct libinput_tablet_tool *tool)
Return the serial number of a tool.
void libinput_tablet_tool_set_user_data(struct libinput_tablet_tool *tool, void *user_data)
Set the user data associated with a tool object, if any.
int libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_wheel_delta_discrete(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Return the delta for the wheel in discrete steps (e.g.
int libinput_tablet_tool_has_wheel(struct libinput_tablet_tool *tool)
Return whether the tablet tool has a relative wheel.
double libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_pressure(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Returns the current pressure being applied on the tool in use, normalized to the range [0,...
int libinput_event_tablet_tool_rotation_has_changed(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Check if the z-rotation axis was updated in this event.
int libinput_tablet_tool_has_slider(struct libinput_tablet_tool *tool)
Return whether the tablet tool has a slider axis.
uint32_t libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_button(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Return the button that triggered this event.
double libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_rotation(struct libinput_event_tablet_tool *event)
Returns the current z rotation of the tool in degrees, clockwise from the tool's logical neutral posi...
double libinput_event_touch_get_y(struct libinput_event_touch *event)
Return the current absolute y coordinate of the touch event, in mm from the top left corner of the de...
double libinput_event_touch_get_y_transformed(struct libinput_event_touch *event, uint32_t height)
Return the current absolute y coordinate of the touch event, transformed to screen coordinates.
struct libinput_event * libinput_event_touch_get_base_event(struct libinput_event_touch *event)
uint32_t libinput_event_touch_get_time(struct libinput_event_touch *event)
uint64_t libinput_event_touch_get_time_usec(struct libinput_event_touch *event)
int32_t libinput_event_touch_get_seat_slot(struct libinput_event_touch *event)
Get the seat slot of the touch event.
double libinput_event_touch_get_x(struct libinput_event_touch *event)
Return the current absolute x coordinate of the touch event, in mm from the top left corner of the de...
double libinput_event_touch_get_x_transformed(struct libinput_event_touch *event, uint32_t width)
Return the current absolute x coordinate of the touch event, transformed to screen coordinates.
int32_t libinput_event_touch_get_slot(struct libinput_event_touch *event)
Get the slot of this touch event.
struct libinput_event_keyboard * libinput_event_get_keyboard_event(struct libinput_event *event)
Return the keyboard event that is this input event.
void libinput_event_destroy(struct libinput_event *event)
Destroy the event, freeing all associated resources.
struct libinput_event_gesture * libinput_event_get_gesture_event(struct libinput_event *event)
Return the gesture event that is this input event.
enum libinput_event_type libinput_event_get_type(struct libinput_event *event)
Get the type of the event.
struct libinput * libinput_event_get_context(struct libinput_event *event)
Get the libinput context from the event.
struct libinput_event_tablet_tool * libinput_event_get_tablet_tool_event(struct libinput_event *event)
Return the tablet tool event that is this input event.
struct libinput_event * libinput_event_device_notify_get_base_event(struct libinput_event_device_notify *event)
struct libinput_event_touch * libinput_event_get_touch_event(struct libinput_event *event)
Return the touch event that is this input event.
struct libinput_event_pointer * libinput_event_get_pointer_event(struct libinput_event *event)
Return the pointer event that is this input event.
struct libinput_device * libinput_event_get_device(struct libinput_event *event)
Return the device associated with this event.
struct libinput_event_switch * libinput_event_get_switch_event(struct libinput_event *event)
Return the switch event that is this input event.
struct libinput_event_device_notify * libinput_event_get_device_notify_event(struct libinput_event *event)
Return the device event that is this input event.
struct libinput_event_tablet_pad * libinput_event_get_tablet_pad_event(struct libinput_event *event)
Return the tablet pad event that is this input event.
struct libinput_seat * libinput_seat_ref(struct libinput_seat *seat)
Increase the refcount of the seat.
const char * libinput_seat_get_physical_name(struct libinput_seat *seat)
Return the physical name of the seat.
void libinput_seat_set_user_data(struct libinput_seat *seat, void *user_data)
Set caller-specific data associated with this seat.
void * libinput_seat_get_user_data(struct libinput_seat *seat)
Get the caller-specific data associated with this seat, if any.
const char * libinput_seat_get_logical_name(struct libinput_seat *seat)
Return the logical name of the seat.
struct libinput_seat * libinput_seat_unref(struct libinput_seat *seat)
Decrease the refcount of the seat.
struct libinput * libinput_seat_get_context(struct libinput_seat *seat)
Get the libinput context from the seat.
int libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group_has_dial(struct libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group *group, unsigned int dial)
Devices without mode switching capabilities return true for every dial.
int libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group_has_ring(struct libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group *group, unsigned int ring)
Devices without mode switching capabilities return true for every ring.
void libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group_set_user_data(struct libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group *group, void *user_data)
Set caller-specific data associated with this mode group.
struct libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group * libinput_device_tablet_pad_get_mode_group(struct libinput_device *device, unsigned int index)
The returned mode group is not refcounted and may become invalid after the next call to libinput.
int libinput_device_tablet_pad_get_num_mode_groups(struct libinput_device *device)
Most devices only provide a single mode group, however devices such as the Wacom Cintiq 22HD provide ...
int libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group_has_strip(struct libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group *group, unsigned int strip)
Devices without mode switching capabilities return true for every strip.
unsigned int libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group_get_num_modes(struct libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group *group)
Query the mode group for the number of available modes.
unsigned int libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group_get_mode(struct libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group *group)
Return the current mode this mode group is in.
unsigned int libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group_get_index(struct libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group *group)
The returned number is the same index as passed to libinput_device_tablet_pad_get_mode_group().
int libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group_has_button(struct libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group *group, unsigned int button)
Devices without mode switching capabilities return true for every button.
struct libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group * libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group_ref(struct libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group *group)
Increase the refcount of the mode group.
struct libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group * libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group_unref(struct libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group *group)
Decrease the refcount of the mode group.
int libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group_button_is_toggle(struct libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group *group, unsigned int button)
The toggle button in a mode group is the button assigned to cycle to or directly assign a new mode wh...
void * libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group_get_user_data(struct libinput_tablet_pad_mode_group *group)
Get the caller-specific data associated with this mode group, if any.
Definition libinput.h:6383
Definition libinput.h:6385
Definition libinput.h:6384
Describes a rectangle to configure a device's area, see libinput_device_config_area_set_rectangle().
Definition libinput.h:5155
A base handle for accessing libinput device groups.
A base handle for accessing libinput devices.
An event notifying the caller of a device being added or removed.
A keyboard event representing a key press/release.
A pointer event representing relative or absolute pointer movement, a button press/release or scroll ...
A switch event representing a changed state in a switch.
Tablet pad event representing a button press, or ring/strip update on the tablet pad itself.
Tablet tool event representing an axis update, button press, or tool update.
Touch event representing a touch down, move or up, as well as a touch cancel and touch frame events.
The base event type.
libinput does not open file descriptors to devices directly, instead open_restricted() and close_rest...
Definition libinput.h:3575
int(* open_restricted)(const char *path, int flags, void *user_data)
Open the device at the given path with the flags provided and return the fd.
Definition libinput.h:3587
void(* close_restricted)(int fd, void *user_data)
Close the file descriptor.
Definition libinput.h:3595
The base handle for accessing libinput seats.
A mode on a tablet pad is a virtual grouping of functionality, usually based on some visual feedback ...
An object representing a tool being used by a device with the LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_TABLET_TOOL capabil...
A handle for accessing libinput.