.. _faq: ============================================================================== FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions ============================================================================== Frequently asked questions about libinput. .. contents:: :local: :backlinks: entry .. _faq_feature: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why doesn't libinput support ...? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ First, read :ref:`what_is_libinput` If you have a feature that you think libinput needs to support, please file a bug report. See :ref:`reporting_bugs` for more details. .. _faq_fast_mouse: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My mouse moves too fast, even at the slowest setting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a symptom of high-dpi mice (greater than 1000dpi). These devices need a udev hwdb entry to normalize their motion. See :ref:`motion_normalization` for a detailed explanation. .. _faq_fast_trackpoint: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My trackpoint moves too slow or too fast ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a symptom of an invalid trackpoint multiplier. These devices need :ref:`device-quirks` to specify the range available so libinput can adjust the pointer acceleration accordingly. See :ref:`trackpoint_range` for a detailed explanation. .. _faq_pointer_acceleration: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why is libinput's pointer acceleration worse than synaptics/evdev ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a known problem affecting some devices and/or use-case but the exact cause is still unknown. It may be a device-specific issue, it may be a bug in libinput's acceleration code, it may be a disagreement about how pointer acceleration should feel. Unfortunately this is something that affected users need to investigate and analyze. .. _faq_enable_tapping: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why isn't touchpad tap-to-click enabled by default ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See :ref:`tapping_default` .. _faq_touchpad_pressure: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why does my touchpad lose track of touches ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The most common cause for this is an incorrect pressure threshold range. See :ref:`touchpad_pressure` for more info. .. _faq_kinetic_scrolling: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kinetic scrolling does not work ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The X.Org synaptics driver implemented kinetic scrolling in the driver. It measures the scroll speed and once the finger leaves the touchpad the driver keeps sending scroll events for a predetermined time. This effectively provides for kinetic scrolling without client support but triggers an unfixable `bug `_: the client cannot know that the events are from a kinetic scroll source. Scroll events in X are always sent to the current cursor position, a movement of the cursor after lifting the finger will send the kinetic scroll events to the new client, something the user does not usually expect. A key event during the kinetic scroll procedure causes side-effects such as triggering zoom. libinput does not implement kinetic scrolling for touchpads. Instead it provides the **libinput_event_pointer_get_axis_source()** function that enables callers to implement kinetic scrolling on a per-widget basis, see :ref:`scroll_sources`. .. _faq_gpl: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is libinput GPL-licensed? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No, libinput is MIT licensed. The Linux kernel header file linux/input.h in libinput's tree is provided to ensure the same behavior regardless of which kernel version libinput is built on. It does not make libinput GPL-licensed. .. _faq_config_options: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Where is the configuration stored? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ libinput does not store configuration options, it is up to the caller to manage these and decide which configuration option to apply to each device. This must be done at startup, after a resume and whenever a new device is detected. One commonly used way to configure libinput is to have the Wayland compositor expose a compositor-specific configuration option. For example, in a GNOME stack, the gnome-control-center modifies dconf entries. These changes are read by mutter and applied to libinput. Changing these entries via the gsettings commandline tool has the same effect. Another commonly used way to configure libinput is to have xorg.conf.d snippets. When libinput is used with the xf86-input-libinput driver in an X.Org stack, these options are read on startup and apply to each device. Changing properties at runtime with the xinput commandline tool has the same effect. In both cases, the selection of available options and how they are exposed depends on the libinput caller (e.g. mutter or xf86-input-libinput). .. graphviz:: libinput-stack-gnome.gv This has an effect on the availability of configuration options: if an option is not exposed by the intermediary, it cannot be configured by the client. Also some configuration options that are provided by the intermediary may not be libinput-specific configuration options. .. _faq_configure_wayland: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How do I configure my device on Wayland? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See :ref:`faq_config_options` Use the configuration tool provided by your desktop environment (e.g. gnome-control-center) or direct access to your desktop environment's configuration storage (e.g. gsettings). .. _faq_configure_xorg: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How do I configure my device on X? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See :ref:`faq_config_options` If your desktop environment does not provide a graphical configuration tool you can use an `xorg.conf.d snippet `_. Usually, such a snippet looks like this: :: $> cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-libinput-custom-config.conf Section "InputClass" Identifier "something to identify this snippet" MatchDriver "libinput" MatchProduct "substring of the device name" Option "some option name" "the option value" EndSection The identifier is merely a human-readable string that shows up in the log file. The MatchProduct line should contain the device name or a substring of the device name that the snippet should apply to. For a full list of option names and permitted values, see the `libinput man page `_. xorg.conf.d snippets like the above apply to hotplugged devices but can be overwritten at runtime by desktop tools. Multiple snippets may be placed into the same file. For run-time configuration and testing, the `xinput `_ debugging tool can modify a devices' properties. See the `libinput man page `_ for supported property names and values. Usually, an invocation looks like this: :: $> xinput set-prop "the device name" "the property name" value [value2] [value3] .. note:: Changes performed by xinput do not persist across device hotplugs. xinput is considered a debugging and testing tool only and should not be used for permanent configurations. .. _faq_configuration: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Can you add a configuration option for $FEATURE? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No. At least that's going to be the initial answer. Read `Why libinput doesn't have a lot of configuration options `_ first. Configuration options for most features are a signal that we are incapable of handling it correctly. To get to that point, we want to be sure we're truly incapable of doing so. libinput has several features that are handled automatically (and correctly) that users wanted to have configuration options for initially. So the answer to this question will almost always be 'no'. A configuration option is, in most cases, a cop-out. .. _faq_synclient: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why don't synclient and syndaemon work with libinput? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Synclient and syndaemon rely on X input device properties that are specific to the xf86-input-synaptics X.Org input driver. Both were written when the synaptics driver was the only common touchpad driver in existence. They assume that if the properties aren't available, no touchpad is available either. The xf86-input-libinput X.Org input driver does not export these driver-specific properties, synclient/syndaemon will thus not detect the touchpad and refuse to work. Other tools that rely on synclient/syndaemon or those same properties also do not work with xf86-input-libinput. Most of syndaemon's functionality is built into libinput, see :ref:`disable-while-typing`. synclient is merely a configuration tool, see :ref:`faq_configure_xorg` for similar functionality. See also the blog posts `The definitive guide to synclient `_ and `The future of xinput, xmodmap, setxkbmap, xsetwacom and other tools under Wayland `_ .. _faq_tablets: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Does libinput support non-Wacom tablets? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yes, though unfortunately many non-Wacom tablets suffer from bad firmware and don't send the required events. But they should all work nonetheless. If you have a tablet that does not work with libinput, please :ref:`file a bug `. .. _faq_tablet_capabilities: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My tablet doesn't work ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you see the message :: libinput bug: device does not meet tablet criteria. Ignoring this device. or the message :: missing tablet capabilities [...] Ignoring this device. your tablet device does not have the required capabilities to be treated as a tablet. This is usually a problem with the device and the kernel driver. See :ref:`tablet-capabilities` for more details. .. _faq_hwdb_changes: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How to apply hwdb changes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sometimes users are asked to test updates to the `udev hwdb `_ or patches that include a change to the hwdb. See :ref:`hwdb` for details on the hwdb and how to modify it locally. .. note:: As of libinput 1.12, libinput-specific properties are now stored in the :ref:`device-quirks` system. There are no libinput-specific hwdb entries anymore and any changes to the hwdb must be merged into the systemd repository. .. _faq_timer_offset: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What causes the "your system is too slow" warning? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ libinput relies on the caller to call **libinput_dispatch()** whenever data is available. **libinput_dispatch()** will process the state of all devices, including some time-sensitive features (e.g. palm detection, tap-to-click, disable-while-typing, etc.). If the time between the event and the call to **libinput_dispatch()** is excessive, those features may not work correctly. For example, a delay in touch event processing may cause wrong or missing tap-to-click events or a palm may not be detected correctly. When this warning appears, it simply means that too much time has passed between the event occurring and the current time. In almost all cases this is an indication of the caller being overloaded and not handling events as speedily as required. The warning has no immediate effect on libinput's behavior but some of the functionality that relies on the timer may be impeded. This is not a bug in libinput. libinput does not control how quickly **libinput_dispatch()** is called. .. _faq_wayland: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is libinput required for Wayland? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Technically - no. But for your use-case - probably. Wayland is a display server communication protocol. libinput is a low-level library to simplify handling input devices and their events. They have no direct connection. As a technical analogy, the question is similar to "is glibc required for HTTP", or (stretching the analogy a bit further) "Is a pen required to write English". No, it isn't. You can use libinput without a Wayland compositor, you can write a Wayland compositor without libinput. On most major distributions, libinput is the standard input stack used with the X.Org X server through the xf86-input-libinput driver. So why "for your use-case - probably"? All general-purpose Wayland compositors use libinput for their input stack. Wayland compositors that are more specialized (e.g. in-vehicle infotainment or IVI) can handle input devices directly but the compositor you want to use on your desktop needs an input stack that is more complex. And right now, libinput is the only input stack that exists for this use-case. .. _faq_separate_contexts: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Can I write a program to make libinput do $FOO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A common question is whether it's possible to write a program that can change libinput's behavior - specifically the libinput that is used inside the compositor. This indicates a misunderstanding of how libinput works: libinput is a library that converts kernel events into libinput events, much like ``sed`` reads data in, modifies it, and provides it to stdout. If ``sed`` is used by a shell-script, that script has full control over how ``sed`` processes data. In this analogy, ``sed`` is libinput and the shell script is the compositor. It is not possible to write a program to modify the behavior of the ``sed`` instance used inside that shell script Writing a program that uses libinput is akin to writing a new script that invoke ``sed``. It will not have any effect on the original ``sed`` instance. The only way to modify libinput's behavior is to use the configuration options exposed by the respective compositor. Those affect the libinput context inside the compositor and thus have an effect on the input device behavior.